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My Web Log

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This WikiPage allows me to somehow blog on any subject, anytime... or ever ?

  • 2003/04/14

Well, it has been some time before I looked there again. It's hard for me to pursue a goal steadily... I often start things up, but rarely end them, or even make them continuable. I don't know why I'm like that, but I try to fix it up by continuously getting me into working, every night. These days I'm working on the Wiki system, probably the most advanced program I ever wrote. And I'm due to release a school work about Kerberos before the end of the month (see Sommaire Memoire Kerberos). That forces me to work a bit... :-)

  • 2003/04/09

I decided to start my very own blog, using this Wiki content manager as a blogger... Will I have things to say ? I Don't know... But sometimes I do, and that just flow in another dimension, meeting only my ego's ears... This blog may never reach anyone else but may be read one day...

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